Articles of Interest

"Cafe to Go" - World Cafes (2.3M)

A good introduction to one of the more popular methods of group/dialogue facilitation.

7 Transformations of Leadership.pdf (7.2M)

A very creative understanding of leadership by Bill Torbert - his "action inquiry" methodology is also very compelling.

A Very Brief Overview of Wilber.pdf (34K)

As the title suggests this is a very brief overview but will likely whet your appetite for integral theory.

Action_Learning_for_Managers_2nd_Ch1.pdf (226K)

Appreciative Inquiry Approach to Strategic Planning (500K)

This is a relatively short article that compares various approaches to strategic planning, including the Appreciative Inquiry approach. Very good if you are looking for a primer on the SOAR Analysis which plays a function similar to SWOT Analysis in more traditional planning approaches.

Dealing with Workplace Violence.pdf (1.8M)

The Art of Focused Conversation.pdf (165K)

The Johari Window.pdf (434K)

This is a simple tool you can use to develop a better sense of who you are and how you may be understood in your work place. I have extracted this from one of Charles Handy's books "21 Ideas for Managers", (2000) Jossey-Bass Inc., San Francisco CA. The book is full of short, simple exercises and insights that you may find valuable and any of Handy's several books are worth exploring.

The Many Faces of Action Learning.pdf (1.7M)

The Real Reason that People Won't Change.pdf (744K)

Toxic Workplaces.pdf (100K)



A number of links to sites specializing in leadership, organizational learning and adult development.


LInks to resources related to conflict analysis and engagement, inluding training programs.


Links to sites that focus on not-for-profit organizations.


Links to sites primarily focused on public sector organizatons but may also be of interest to others.


Here is a brief bibliography of books you may find of interest. They are presented in groups but many could easily be included in several groups. Many of the authors have several good books published but, generally speaking, I have only identified one per author. Drop me a note to see what I am reading now or for other recommendations.